Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Alvin Ailey

A few weeks ago I got to go to see Alvin Ailey for free (Haverford rocks!) at the Academy of Music. I saw...

Anointed from AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater on Vimeo.

The Evolution Of A Secured Feminine from AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater on Vimeo.

The Hunt from AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater on Vimeo.

and of course the Ailey classic...

Revelations from AlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater on Vimeo.

The dancers as you can see have a tremendous amount of strength, charisma and vitality, and the choreography gave such a rush in watching them. It was the kind of performance where you just sit back and enjoy the thrill of the moment. Each of the pieces were distinct, as you can tell from these snippets, but as a series they were also complementary.

The Hunt by Robert Battle was particularly moving in an unexpected way. The program and Alvin Ailey website say this piece is about "the primitive thrill of the hunt," but for me the ferocity took on a greater, more universal meaning, speaking to the ways the people perpetuate cycles of violence. Sometimes the six men danced in a circle as if thrilling in an aggression fed by mob mentality, in others they separated into duets where the partners took turns at being the aggressor, all the while seemingly unaware of the hypocrisy of meeting violence with more violence.

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