Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tips from Eun Jung

Saving your knees: Imagine your knees are sponges.
You can plie all you like, but if you grip your knees as you bend them they won't last. Good, soft plies can be difficult to learn, and this sponge idea is just one of many useful images. Some others are... imagine yourself growing upwards as you plie down and visualize plies as circular

Balancing: Think of the fluid in your inner ear that tells you which way is up.
In my reading for Bio Psych I learned the three tools we use to tell ourselves where our bodies are in space: 1. information from the nerves in our muscles 2. sight 3. inner ear fluid. Often we are taught stationary balances through lengthening muscles and staring at one spot in front of us. Catching a balance immediately after a disorienting movement can be more difficult. It is hard to tell exactly how we relate to information from the inner ear, but the knowledge that this physical device is already at work can be surprisingly helpful.

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